I Participated in Programs

As I grew up in MI I participated in school programs that centered around the Rouge. When I became an adult I participated with Friends of the Rouge in events such as Rouge Rescue. I was fortunate enough to work as a Student Naturalist for the Environmental Interpretive Center at U of M Dearborn. I facilitated programs for all age groups and enjoyed every minute. I kept a watchful eye on Hines Park during flooding of the Rouge.It was this flooding process that I learned about Floodplains and the effects of flooding. The Rouge has been a vital learning tool that has taught me about the life cycle of a river. I learned how Henry Ford harnessed its power to aid his work. The Rouge is also a recreational river, it is a home to lots of wildlife too. I do not think I could have learned so much about a river through reading a textbook or listening to lectures.Because of organizations like Friends of the Rouge I gained better knowledge of the river and it has led me to the place I am now. I work as the Education / Outreach Coordinator for the Upper Guyandotte Watershed Association in southern WV. We deal with the same type of issues they deal with.The Rouge is a hands on kind of river. Folks should take time to get to know it. It can prove to be a good resource and friend. Here’s to another 25 years! Thank you Friends of the Rouge for a fine job of taking care of an old friend.

Submitted by:  Erica H

About friendsoftherouge

The mission of the Friends of the Rouge is to promote the restoration and stewardship of the Rouge River ecosystem through education, citizen involvement and other collaborative efforts, for the purpose of improving the quality of life for the people, plants and animals of the watershed.
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